Reading Aloud to Older Children: a Lost Art

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” ― Albert Einstein In the course of my work with families, I am often asked by parents to provide book lists for their children.  I leap gladly at the opportunity to share myContinue reading “Reading Aloud to Older Children: a Lost Art”

Online Lessons: Preparation is Key

Funniest online teaching moment of young children during lockdown? Child disappearing mid-lesson only to hear “Dad, I need you to wipe me!” over the still connected sound.  We can laugh at such online moments but on a more serious note, how many times have you got to the end of an online session feeling frustration overContinue reading “Online Lessons: Preparation is Key”

Assessments: Inform Practice or Determine Outcomes?

This week, as offers are being received for entry into schools in September, I had cause to stop and reflect on two students in particular.  Both students have received offers from highly selective schools.  But more than a year ago, when I carried out assessments on these students, my judgement that they were capable of receiving offersContinue reading “Assessments: Inform Practice or Determine Outcomes?”