Mock Exams

Education Pathfinder provides mock exams in English, Maths and second stage group activities and interviews for students preparing for 7+ exams. Papers are set to a high standard on the basis of current independent school exam trends.

We aim to give parents an impartial view of their child’s level of achievement in an unfamiliar exam environment, whilst providing the experience of exam-day conditions for the child. This includes a group activity and interview session as is often included in the second stage assessment.

You will receive the marked papers back, with comments, so you can go through them with your child. This provides invaluable first-hand insight into performance. Feedback will be given on areas requiring additional attention and support. In addition, you will get feedback on your child’s ability to take part in group activities, listen to a teacher, work with other children and discuss their views – all areas assessed in the second stage of the entrance process for many schools. Our mocks will also allow parents to see their child’s results in the context of other candidates going for similar schools.

We always try to make the exam experience as stress-free as possible. Sitting a mock exam reduces exam-day nerves and will help your child to understand what will be expected of them on the day. It also allows children to interact with both new children, adults and to settle down quickly in unfamiliar surroundings.

How it works:
Our mock exams are run the same way as normal exams from registration through to dismissal. They are held in a school environment. Children will sit exams in English and Maths with a short break in between. These mock exams are aimed at boosting confidence and are carefully set at the correct level for the time in the academic year for each year group. They do not mirror any one particular exam, but are divided into sections that help you assess which areas are going well and which need support. Children will also take part in a group activity and interview session designed to see how they listen to instructions, interact with their peers, and share their ideas – all areas that are assessed by schools.

Your child will be fully reassured as they are talked through all stages expected in exam situations and we actively encourage children attending to ask questions to ensure they are fully prepared and confident to do well on the day.

Our next exam will take place on September 29th in Wembley. The day begins at 9:30am with a welcome activity followed by written papers in comprehension and writing. After a short snack break, students will take part in a mental arithmetic test followed by a written maths paper.

After a break for packed lunch (an opportunity for us to assess social skills), students will take part in both group activities and interview sessions. Pick up time will be 2pm.

To book a place, please, click here: